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Our story begins in 1998 when we opened our home to our first rottweiler, Mason. He was 14 weeks old, didn't like people, and very hand shy. It was a learning experience for all of us right away. He had to learn to trust us and we had to learn how to earn that trust. We took him to obedience classes and he became an outstanding member of the community. Todd played softball so Mason went to many games with us and loved playing with the kids who were at the parks. We then started our family and having 2 children under the age of 2 1/2 didn't leave much time to give Mason the attention he deserved. We made the very difficult decision to find him a better home. When it was time to say goodbye, we were sad to see him go and even to this day we look back and wish he could have stayed longer. We knew one day we would have another rottweiler but not until the boys were older and we had more time. 













Fast forward years later and we welcomed Mila to our home in October of 2011. It was Mila who changed my mother-in-law's opinion of rottweilers. She said there was no way she was going to come over and help with a puppy everyday if it was a rottweiler; the only thing she knew was what she had heard and it's wasn't good. From the minute Todd brought Mila home, "Mom" fell in love with her. She said she would be over everyday to help care for her. She said that she could look into her eyes and see her soul. Mila came from a breeder in Georgia and was going to be our first conformation dog. Unfortunately, at the age of 2 years she didn't pass her OFA for hips. She had mild hip dysplasia and we made the ethical decision to spay her. It was part of the contract that any hip issues would be dealt with. The breeder stopped returning calls and e-mails after we contacted him. Then in July 2015 we found out she had cancer. We had 3 short weeks with her before she passed away just 1 month before her 4th birthday. My youngest son was in love with her and her passing was devastating to the family. To this day this dog still bring a tears to my eyes thinking of her. 














When Mila was around 3 we welcomed our sweet boy, Link. We had been in contact with with Suzan Guynn at Cammcastle Rottweilers since Dec 2009 and had turned  down a puppy at that time. We knew we wanted a dog from her kennel and we kept in touch with her for several years. In November 2014 we drove to Virginia and brought  Link home. My older son had been through cancer treatment and he wanted a dog to visit hospitals like the one that came to visit him. Link was also going to be our show dog that we weren't able to have with Mila. We started puppy kindergarten just like we did with the others, then moved onto beginner obedience, intermediate and so on. He LOVED going and excelled at it! At a young age Link was diagnosed with Cryptorchidism so he was neutered so we weren't able to show him but that's okay because we had a different goal in mind, the therapy dog title. At the young age of 9 months old, his training started being put to the test when Mila passed away. He knew we needed him and did his best to fill the gap. He was even more snuggly then usual and helped to heal our hearts. We took a break from training for awhile then started up again and passed his therapy dog test. I have never had a more loving, snuggly dog then Link. Wherever I am sitting he is at my feet. If I'm sitting on the couch, then he is right next to me. He even has his own place on the couch, and if you are in it, then he will sit on you. Every night Link snuggles with my son and sleeps on his bed with him. 













We still wanted a dog to show, so Halo came along. It was perfect as she was an offspring of a dog in the litter we turned down 6 years prior also from Suzan Guynn at Cammcastle Rottweilers. We received videos of the litter and photos as early as 5 days. After seeing her signature head tilt even as young as 4 weeks old, she melted our  hearts and we picked her up in May 2015. Some people thought we are crazy to bring another dog into our lives as Mila was 3 and Link was 8 months when Halo came home.  I wouldn't have had it any other way. She always wanted to play with Mila, but Mila wanted nothing to do with a little puppy again. After all Link was still a puppy himself , so luckily Halo had Link to play with. He was such a pushover with her and she could get him to do anything she wanted including giving up his toys to her. It was only 2 short months later that Halo was helping Link heal the pain of Mila's passing in July 2015. If Link wasn't cuddling with you then you were running after Halo to see what she was up to. Never anything bad just being a puppy. That same month, we started puppy kindergarten and conformation classes. After all 3rd times the charm, right? We both were learning together taking it class by class. Her first puppy match was in July 2015 at the age of 4 1/2 months and that is where we met Holley Eldred and she helped us with more ideas on training to get her ready for her first show. We also learned what it was like to have a rottweiler who is a talker. She talks when she is happy and to tell you she doesn't want you to stop petting her. I thought Link was a snuggler... He will at least lay next to you. Halo must be ON you especially if one of the other dogs are around. Her first show was in Rochester, MN when she was 6 months old. Holley Eldred showed her for her first time, as we were too nervous to get in the ring. She did fantastic. We met Holley at more shows in MN and eventually Halo went on the road with her for about a month to finish her Championship and luckily we were at the show to see her finish. She came back home and the two of us started working on her Grand Championship points. She went back on the road with Holley the middle of March 2017 and came home the end of December 2017. It was hard to have her on the road but it helped us to be able to see her here and there at shows and to know she was in great hands with someone we knew and trusted. When she came home she picked up right where she left off and ruled the boys and has her spot on our bed again. Quite often she uses me as a pillow. You can see Halo's page for all of her accomplishments. 













Last but certainly not least there is Camm. We welcomed him into our home in November 2016. We told Suzan Guynn of Cammcastle Rottweilers three times that we just couldn't get another dog. After much deliberation, going over and over the wonderful pedigree, and seeing tons of puppy photos, we made the final decision to bring him into our home. He has been a daddy's boy from the start. I can honestly say that I have never taken Camm to one class or taken him into the ring at all. Holley Eldred put his Championship points on him then my husband Todd took over to finish his Grand Championship. Camm is our silly boy in the family. Always knocking his melon into things and stepping on you when you are sitting on the couch to make sure he is in the perfect position to sit on your lap. He will also sit on your feet if you are standing, which sounds like it runs in the family because his father and his half-brother do it too.  He and Todd have had quite the ride so far. You can see his page for his accomplishments

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